Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here I go!

Hi - I am, by the first official post, the little sister : ) I am doing something I have promised myself I would never do BLOG! .. I never even read a blog until Andrea introduced me to hers, and even now she has to forward me her posts b/c I don't know how to sign up.

Of course b/c I am cautious by nature I researched and looked up a few different blogs just to see what this is really all about. What a world unto itself. It's amazing how many people (particularly women) have to say. I LOVE IT! I am, by all means, a blog convert (Thanks Ann!).

Although I don't consider myself the most articulate person when it comes to speaking and/or writing (I think when Audrey came out a few brain cells and a lot of vocabulary slipped out with her) I am going to do my best.

Now let me get to Andrea... What can I say.. SuperMom, SuperBlogger and SuperSister. Don't tell my husband, but she is one of the reasons I chose to say After years of being an only child (side note: loved the whole not having to share anything and having all the attention) I finally got the sister I can confide in and trust and we didn't have to go through any teenage sister drama.. We were compatable from the minute we were introduced. : ) I say introduced b/c like she mentioned for years we were out at the same bars/clubs on the same weekends doing the same things.

Anyway, as always I am off to do what I do best. Read! : ) Enjoy the day

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